10 New Year Resolutions That Every Couple Must Stick To

Originally Published by ShaadiWish.

Whether you are the newlyweds celebrating their first new year as a married couple or a couple celebrating their 10th new year together, making new year resolutions together can always be fun. We know making new year resolutions is one thing, and sticking to it is a whole another thing. But when you’ve got a partner sharing the same resolutions as you, it becomes easier. You both can push one another to stick to your resolutions and get through the year. And whether you both have your individual new year’s resolutions to work on, couples must share some of them together to strengthen their bond.

New Year's Resolutions For Couples

Here Are 10 New Year Resolutions We Believe Every Couple Must Work On Together-

1. More Date Nights

Once the honeymoon phase fades out, couples often get busy with their work-life or with kids. The initial excitement of going on dates fades away and things tend to get monotonous. And whether you’re a newlywed couple or a couple who’s been married for years, restarting date nights can really add that excitement. So this year make a resolution to take time out for a date night either every two weeks or at least once a month. And if you can’t go out, cook for each other or together.

new year's resolutions more Date Nights

Check out these fun date night ideas that you can try with your partner.

2. Better Communication

Once again, as both partners get occupied with work and kids, healthy communication takes a backseat. Don’t let things pile on before you finally express yourselves which may not be a decent way of communicating. Work-life stress takes a toll on our mental health, and it’s unfair to take that stress out on your partner. So make communication a daily habit. Talk about what’s going through your head with your partner over dinner or before going to bed, so that both of you know what the other person is going through. This way you both can be there for each other when things get rough.

Good communication between partners
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3. Less Technology, More Mindfulness

Phones, TVs, laptops, tabs everything is becoming more and more technologically advanced. And while technology is for saving human’s time, ironically it only makes us waste more time. Browsing through social media and consuming digital content has made everyone dependent on gadgets which is unhealthy. And once you’re both back home from work, what you need to do is keep all your gadgets aside and just relax your brains. Make it a habit to put away your phones and laptops on weekends or an hour before bedtime. This way you both will be less anxious and more present for one another.

less social media usage

4. Building Each Other Up

It is only natural to feel a bit jealous of someone when you feel like you’re lacking behind. And even married couples have those problems but it doesn’t mean that you don’t want the other person to succeed. What you should focus on is that building each other up will only help strengthen your relationship. And helping someone else always makes us feel happy. So whenever you feel that you’re not doing as well as your partner just talk it through, maybe your partner could help you to sort things out.

building each other up

5. Giving Each Other Space When Needed

We all need our personal space and married couples are no exceptions. Just because you’re married to someone doesn’t mean that you both need to be in constant touch. Knowing when to distance yourself from your partner is important. Some days your partner might just need some ‘Me-Time’ and you must respect that.

New Year's Resolutions giving each other space

6. No More Lies

Partners often lie to one another, and we don’t mean hiding big secrets, we mean little lies that may, later on, create problems. Lies such as when your partner says they’re working late but they’re actually out hanging out with their friends. There’s obviously nothing wrong with spending time with your friends but lying about it to your partner is. So make it a point, to let your partner know and be transparent with one another.

don't keep secrets

7. Planning Vacations

Many times, it so happens that couples decide to go on a vacation together but fail to execute those plans. But in 2021, no more slacking behind, both of you shall go on at least two vacations, every sixth month. This way you both get time to unwind after a few hectic months of work and feel refreshed to continue the rest of the year.

New Year's Resolutions plan vacations

Check out these best romantic resorts in India for your next staycation/honeymoon.

8. Making Health A Priority

The year 2020 really showed us how fickle human health can be. One day you’re partying with your friends and the next day you’re in an isolation ward. So making healthy lifestyle choices together shall be your priorities. If going to the gym is too much then do take couples’ yoga sessions and practice it in your backyard or terrace. 

New Year's Resolutions work out

Read these weight loss tips guide by nutritionist Preeti Tyagi.

9. Work On Personal Projects Together

Whether short term or long term, no matter what projects you’ve both been putting on hold, this year start working on them or try to finish them. They could be anything, from buying a new house to renovating your current house. But putting the load on one partner completely isn’t fair. Both of you shall work together on your personal projects. It will not only speed up the process but also deepen your relationship.

new year's resolutions for couples

10. Board Game Nights

Grown-ups tend to take a lot of stress and unnecessary tension on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s the electricity bill or the phone bill, these things happen all the time. So just avoid stressing over it, and rather work your brains on some interesting board games. Solve puzzles together or host game nights with your friends. This way you’ll be more lively and escape that ‘grown-up’ stage of your life a little while.

New Year's resolutions 2021 for couples

Consider these interesting wedding games to make your wedding fun.

Don’t miss out on ShaadiWish approved wedding planners.

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